Is Twerk by Fuchor ft Askia the first Wack song to be released in 2021 ?

Entertainment and Arts

Is Twerk by Fuchor ft Askia the first Wack song to be released in 2021 ?

Few days ago Tallanga Record’s dropped the first official video of their artist Fuchor who featured Askia, this ong has been trending since the release but I kind of find something not good in it.

The song was started by Fuchor and at the beginning i was kind of cool with it after the first verse, he came up with an very short and nice chorus which was still cool now what about the lyrics ?

Let me start with Askia on this, Askia brought live to the song when she came up with her verse which was probably the last verse in the song. She delivered great making the song to be more lively with good lyrics, bars, Flow and accuracy.

Many people don’t like the lyrics of the song and the message the song carries, but how do you judge a song ? By it’s lyrics ? I must say his flow in the song was very dope. The song is directed to people above 18 years which shows how EXPLICIT it is.

Anyways it was a good one Fuchor I love the song

Fuchor ft Askia Twerk


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About Slimkyd Kimbiblog 1345 Articles
Slimkyd is an Entrepreneur, blogger, web developer.

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  1. promoting our own country wow what a beatifull idea i love it courage and keep up GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR TEAM! 😇

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