Gaelle Enganamouit has resigned from her position as indomitable lionesses team manager
Gaelle Enganamouit has resigned from her post as team manager of the female lionesses. The player became the team manager just few months ago and yesterday she announced her resignation as team manager.
Below is her resignation letter

Subject: My resignation as Team Manager of the Cameroon Seniors Dames national team
Mister President,I have never addressed you in a discourteous manner, but today is the day too many, but above all the threat is too many!On October 17, 2021 in Douala at the Sawa hotel during lunchtime,you challenged me, in the presence of Mrs. Eko Céline, to tell me that it had been reported to you that I was interfering in the technical aspects of the management of the team, I replied that you had been misinformed because it is not true and I wanted a confrontation with anyone who could prove it. You did not finish your remarks without asking me to becareful with whom I walk I wondered if, apart from my elders with whom I was during the visit, you knew me elsewhere, but I gave up.On October 23, 2021 in Garoua, at the end of the afternoon during the visit to the Roundé-Adja stadium, you threatened me again, first of all by asking me what I was doing in Garoua when there was a match the next day and we missed the tech meeting. Then, you also did not fail to remind me that my place was not there, all while shouting at me and threatening me with disciplinary sanctions that would follow, without giving me the opportunity to explain to me you left. . My elders who followed the scene approached me to ask me what was going on so much that it had held their attention. I didn’t complain about it either.On October 29, 2021 you made me serve a request for explanations to which I replied on November 2, 2021. And finally today, you organized a meeting of the technical staff of the team for once again. warn of what you will be serving in the next few days.Mr. President, if I understand correctly in view of the above, you are asking me not only not to honor an invitation from the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic of Cameroon, but also not to display myself with my senior footballers who inspired me, supported and thanks to whom I was able to become the professional player to honor a volunteer position within the national team where moreover you accuse me of interference on technical aspects without evidence?Mr. President, I have served my country with dignity on the ground andI will serve it wherever needed, but it will surely not be withyou anymore. Please consider my resignation which takes effect today.PJ: request for explanations and repenseAmplifications• MINETAT SGPR: MINSEPENGANAMOUJT GAELLE

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