UFC World Heavy Weight champion Francis Ngannou talked about his friendship Dwayne The Rock Johnson and how his text messages motivates him
On The Daily Show, Ultimate Fighting Championship heavyweight title holder Francis Ngannou spoke about his friendship with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson before his fight for the UFC 270 title.
“I admire ‘The Rock’ Dwayne Johnson. And recently, he noticed me. And now we are talking. I text, and “The Rock” answers. And sometimes he leaves me a voice message. And then, when I wake up on certain days, I listen (Editor’s note: The Rock’s messages). And when I have messages from him like that, I work double what I had to work on! »

“I’m just motivated. I say to myself: ‘Damn, The Rock has just left me a message’. That’s it. The enthusiasm, the motivation of this message, you see? And then I realize how great it is to be in a position where you have the power to talk to someone and change their day or life. And I want to be the same for others.”

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