5 Tips to have a fantastic interview ( These people on the photo have failed No. 4 ) | Kimbi blog
You remember the cancellation of the “naira Marley concert ? Meshi’s backlash ? Stanley Enow and Jovi beef continuing till date ?” – BAD INTERVIEWS caused it all
Meshi | Stanley Enow | Prince Enobi
Media interviews are very important whether you’re upcoming or established but very dangerous as well. Itshould be noted that many beefs and backlashes came from interviews but this doesn’t mean you should runaway from interviews. Through interviews, fans get to know you better as a person and some interesting facts about your art.
I thought by now artists must have learned from others mistakes but after watching watching Meshi’s interview with Mc Charlene once again, I wasn’t happy at all. Below are my 5 tips to having a fantastic interview anywhere you go.
1) Ask for what the interview will be about.
Always make sure you know what you’re going to talk about and prepare yourself.
Let’s say it’s a TV Show, find previous editions of the show with other artists and have an idea of what it is all about.
Some OAPs are very controversial with their questions, you have to know so you prepare how to answer them without causing any havoc. Most questions in the interviews will be about you, your projects and your relationships and interactions.
2) Don’t be Afraid to make mistakes.
No be ENAM ooooh! It’s just an interview and everyone makes mistakes no matter how perfect you claim to be.
People’s focus when watching an interview is to understand what you’re saying or what you have in mind, speaking bad English durring interviews cannot end your career. The worst people will do is just to laugh and that’s still entertainment 🤣 I mean look at Show Yoh, Kobo…
The people didn’t come to watch how you speak English but they came because of what you’re doing ( even though some people are watching/listening ) to you for the first time.
Don’t hide your worries from the OAPs, they’re professionals and can help you at any instant. If the interview is not live, you have the chance to tell them to retake questions.
3) Be friendly to people Especially those who’re to interview you.
Two things cause this, it’s either the artist is trying to boost his ego or being shy PRIDE!!!.
I’ve seen a lot of people playing too cool and hostile when they’re having an interview, some even forget to sell themselves and their art.😱
You want OAPs and Media journalists who have met people Way bigger than you to start rushing you because you have 10k Facebook followers and some girls are texting you ? 🤣.
Your vibe matters a lot in the communication between you and the interviewer. Be friendly to everyone you meet, your attitude won’t only set a good atmosphere but it will make the people in the media house treat your music with contents as a fan after the interview.
I really enjoyed AkuBai’s interview on Kimbi blog.

Watch AkuBai on Maloko
4) You must not answer every question asked directly.
You can always dodge questions which you’re not comfortable with of not confident about, they might cause controversy or harm. I’ve witnessed so many cases but I’ll site three cases which has cause a lot of controversy for the artists online.
Prince Enob at Freaky Table
Stanley Enow at Pulse Nigeria
Meshi live with Mc Charlene on Instagram just go name a few.
video on 237showbiz.
To me they were just supposed to dodge those questions let’s take for example Meshi she should have just said “I really wanted to feature as many female artists as possibly but it didn’t work out, anyways that’s in the past let’s talk about My Album ( focusing on what you want to sell)”. They wouldn’t have been any troll.
5) Relax and don’t rush to answer any question.
Why are you always in a rush ? Is it an examination ? I’ve made so many useless mistakes in the past because I was in a rush.
You’re free to think in every interview you go before answering the questions. But this doesn’t mean you should waist people’s time 🙄.
You’re free to say “hmmmmm, let me think for a moment”. People really like it when someone is calm and acts mature, always bring out the calmness and how smart you’re.
No one likes a proud person!
You have to be real but that doesn’t mean you should show the people how dark your heart is, as long as what you say is about you and your music.

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